Sunday, April 18, 2010

Trinity College

Well the four of us stopped by Starbucks prior to heading to Trinity College. Joel & Roxanne had never tried a flavored latte before so Casey & I thought we would introduce them to the sweet dessert drink. Well Joel guzzled it down so fast that it was gone way before we got to the College and the sugar had already kicked in. He was hitting Roxanne up for hers by the time we got there. At Trinity College after the laughter had calmed down we went to take a tour the Trinity College Library where The Book of Kells was. This is an extremely old manuscript in Latin containing the 4 gospels of the New Testament I think it was copied by monks in like 800AD. We also went to another section of the Library where it had so many old books that were from wall to ceiling that it was incredible. You couldn't take a picture inside the library but Casey got one from the outside to try to give you an idea of it.

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The Adventure of Life

The Adventure of Life
"The heavens declare the glory of God.."Psalm 19:1