Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Twighlight Zone

Well we didn't realize how hard it was going to be to find somewhere to eat on the way. We stopped at one place that looked like a hotel/pub resturant but all that was there was burger, fries etc. for as much as a steak dinner would be here in Canada. So we decided to keep driving. We decided that the next town we were going to find anything no matter what because we were all famished. So its dark and we pull into this small town and see what looks like a nice resturant that use to be an old cool hotel. WELL as we are walking in to the resturant a man is standing out side smoking and decide to courteously blow his smoke in our diretection. We walk in and the entire room goes almost silent while everyone turns and looks at us. Which was a little bit ackward. The room was one big room with a high ceiling big beautiful fire place and wood bar. We were seated by the fireplace and given menu's and while we looked at them the waitresses talked in another language while staring at us. We'll when I went to go to the washroom it was upstair in what was obviously an old hotel. While up there I thought that it looked like some old murder mystery movie (which I never watch but pictured this is what it would look like)and decided to hurry back to the rest of the crew. The one thing I was able to tell them was that we had finally found the "shire"....the toilets in the washroom were brand named Shire. Well Joel, Roxanne & I ordered Lasagna, which to this day we wonder what type of meat they used because we didn't think it tasted to much like beef. While Casey ordered a curry dish.....I don't know what he was thinking. Well we finished and paid and as we left all the other tables were looking at us and whispering to one another...it truly felt like the twighlight zone!

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The Adventure of Life

The Adventure of Life
"The heavens declare the glory of God.."Psalm 19:1