Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Well Casey & I moved from Bondi beach to Manly beach about a week ago. Its a beautiful area with an amazing beach and a really cozy plaza area with lots of coffee shops. This week has probably been the most encouraging so far. Casey went to a Men's encounter weekend with Shire Live church. An encounter weekend is a time you set aside to encounter God to draw closer to Him & allow Him to do a deeper work in your life. Casey again was further blessed by the brothers at Shire Live, for their love for one another as well as for their sincere hearts which was so evident the whole weekend. Saturday night we had the awesome opportunity to be a part of helping with Hillsongs backpacker ministry. Jamie (friend from the UK from Backpacking is it) connected us with the guys running the ministry. One of the guys is a Canadian from North Vancouver named Ricky who is an amazing guy with an incredible story. We met up with Ricky at about 4:30pm at the Hillsong City Church (Thanks to Glen from the Shire for blessing us with a ride in his styling "Companyrolla"). We then jumped in the Hillsong Van and went to some of the hostels in the City. We went into the common area (where tv & eating area is) and started talking with whoever was there and invited them for a free meal then let them know there was a service to follow. It was a little uncomfortable at first going up to strangers and striking up conversation (as we know that's not my comfort zone) but it was also really cool to meet some of these backpackers. We met Cody from Edmonton who came with us....yes another Canadian! He was a really cool guy and we had a great opportunity to hang out with him all night and watch seeds being watered in his life. We have an amazing God who pursues us with such an unfailing love, who so desires a relationship with us. We had an amazing night meeting new friends and were again encouraged by others who have a similar vision.

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The Adventure of Life

The Adventure of Life
"The heavens declare the glory of God.."Psalm 19:1